166 |
Plectrums and Melodies “Second Volume”
, Persian (2022) |
165 |
Philosophy and the Interaction Between Man and the World
, Persian (2022) |
164 |
The Philosophy of Being a Woman, Persian (2021) |
163 |
General Criminal Law Volume II , Persian (2021) |
162 |
Glosses on the Qushchi’s Commentary on Tajrid (An Attachment to Interpretation of Ayat al-Kursi), Persian (2020) |
161 |
Philosophy and Art: Collection of the Papers of the 24th Edition of the Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra, Persian (2020) |
160 |
Glosses of Fakhr al-Din Husayni Sammaki’s upon the Commentary on Maybudi’s Hidayah, Persian (2020) |
159 |
Farabi and the al-Horuf, Persian (2020) |
158 |
'Aqa'id al-Islam, Persian (2020) |
157 |
Glosses on al-Asfar, Persian (2020) |
156 |
Glosses on al-Asfar by Hakim Agha Ali Modarres Tehrani, Persian (2020) |
155 |
Collection of the Selected Papers of the 22nd Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra (2018)
, Persian (2019) |
154 |
The Rise of Gnostic Thoughts in Andalusia
, Persian (2018) |
153 |
A Comprehensive History of Philosophy, Persian (2018) |
152 |
Collection of the Selected Papers of the 21st Mulla Sadra Conference, Persian (2018) |
151 |
Translation of the Commentary on Ya-Sin Chapter
, Persian (2017) |
150 |
Translation of the Interpretation on the Chapters of al-A‘la and al-Zilzal
, Persian (2017) |
149 |
Sumerians in History, Persian (2017) |
148 |
Collection of the Selected Papers of the 19th Mulla Sadra Conference
, Persian (2016) |
147 |
Philosophical Education in the Transcendent Philosophy
, Persian (2016) |
146 |
A Design for the Management of Philosophy and Children Classes
, Persian (2016) |
145 |
Teaching Methodology of Philosophy and Children
, Persian (2016) |
144 |
Jalawat Nasiriyyah , Persian (2016) |
143 |
A Study of the States of Existents, Persian (2016) |
142 |
An Introduction to the Philosophical Evolution of Islamic Kalami Branches and the Diversions of Wahhabis, Persian (2014) |
141 |
A Review of the Immateriality of the Soul, Persian (2014) |
140 |
Sharh al-hidayah, Vol 2, Arabic (2014) |
139 |
Sharh al-hidayah, Vol 1, Arabic (2014) |
138 |
The book Philosophy and Path of Life entails (the collection of the selected papers of the 17th Conference on Mulla Sadra) , Persian (2014) |
137 |
Man on the Path of Being, Vol 4, Persian (2013) |
136 |
Masalik al-yaqin fi bayan 'umdah usul al-din, Arabic (2014) |
135 |
The books Like a Candle (a collection of the editorials of Kheradname-ye Sadra), Persian (2013) |
134 |
An Analysis and Explanation of Mulla Sadra’s Methodology in Using Qur’anic Verses and Traditions, Persian (2013) |
133 |
Comparative Hermeneutics (A Study of the Identity of the Philosophy of Interpretation in Islam and the West), Persian (2013) |
132 |
Ibn Sina and Eastern Wisdom (Collection of the Papers Presented at the Conference on Ibn Sina and Islamic Philosophers), Persian
(2013) |
131 |
Plectrums and Melodies: A Collection of Interviews with Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, Persian
(2013) |
130 |
Man and World: Collection of the Selected Papers Presented in the 16th Conference on Commemorating Mulla Sadra, Persian
(2013) |
129 |
Hikmat al-Ishraq, Arabic
(2013) |
128 |
Knowledge of God (Commentary on al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah fil manahij al-sulukiyyah), Persian
(2012) |
127 |
Muhassil Afkar Sadr al-Muti'allihin, Persian
(2012) |
126 |
Matla' al-i'tiqad fi m'arifah al-mabda' wal ma'ad,
(2012) |
125 |
The Qur'an and the Truths about it (along with A Look at Mulla Sadra's Qur'anic Commentary in the Appendix), Persian
(2012) |
124 |
Concept of Substance in Contemporary Analytic Metaphysics, Persian
(2012) |
123 |
Danishnamah 'Alaei, Treatise on Logic, Persian
(2012) |
122 |
Transcendent Ethics Collection of the Selected Papers of the 15th Mulla Sadra Conference, 22 May 2012, Tehran, Persian
(2012) |
121 |
The Collection of the Selected Papers of the Conference on Farabi and the Establishment of Islamic Philosophy, 2010,
Persian (2012) |
120 |
Man on the Path of Being, Vol 1, English
(2011) |
119 |
The Problem of Universals in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy (2011) |
118 |
Farabi and the Path to Happiness (2011)
117 |
The Collection of Papers on Shi'ite,
Batinite, and Isma'ilite Philosophies (2011)
116 |
Role of the Trans-Substantial Motion in
the Formation of Man's Identity, Persian
(2010) |
115 |
An Collection of Philosophical Treatises,
Vol. IV (al-Hikmat al-arshiyyah, al-Masa'il al-qudsiyyah, al-Masha'ir, Mathnawi)
(2012) |
114 |
A Collection of Philosophical Treatises,
Vol. III (Iksir al-'arifin fi m'arifat
tariq al-haq wal yaqin, al-Waridat al-qalbiyyah
fi m'arifat al-rububiyyah) (2011) |
113 |
Collection of Philosophical Treatises,
Vol. II (Hashr al-ashya', al-Hashriyyah,
Khalq al-A'amal, Wal qada wal qadr, al-Ma'ad
al-jismani) , Arabic with Persian
translation (2010) |
112 |
Collection of Philosophical Treatises,
Vol. 1 (Ittisaf al-mahiyyat bil wujud,
al-Tashakhkhus, Sarayan al-wujud,
Ajwabat al-masa'il, al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah,
al-Mizaj) , Arabic with Persian
translation (2010) |
111 |
Asrar al-ayat wa anwar al-bayyinat ,
Arabic (2009) |
110 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 8
(Chapters as-Sajda and al-Hadid) ,
Arabic (2011) |
109 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 7 (al-Waqiah,
al-Jumah, and at-Tariq Chapters) ,
Arabic (2011) |
108 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 6
(Chapters as-Sajda and al-Hadid) ,
Arabic (2011) |
107 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 5 (Ayat
al-Kursi and Ayat al-Nur) , Arabic
(2011) |
106 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 4
(Interpretation of Chapter al-Baqarah,
vol .3), Arabic (2001) |
105 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 3
(Interpretation of Chapter al-Baqarah,
vol. 2), Arabic (2001) |
104 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 2
(Interpretation of Chapter al-Baqarah,
vol. 1), Arabic (2001) |
103 |
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim, Vol. 1
(Interpretation of Chapter al-Fatihah),
Arabic (2001) |
102 |
Al-Mazahir al-ilahiyyah fil asrar al-'ulum
al-kamaliyyah , Arabic (1999) |
101 |
Risalat fi al-Huduth (Huduth al-'Alam)
, Arabic (1999) |
100 |
Kasr al-Asnam al-Jahiliyyah , Arabic
(2002) |
99 |
I'qaz al-Na'imin , Arabic (2007) |
98 |
al-Shawahid al-Rububiyyah fil Manahij
al-Sulukiyyah , Arabic (2003) |
97 |
Argument of the Believers on the
Demonstration of the Existence of God ,
English (2005) |
96 |
A Philosophical and Gnostic Analysis of
the Holy Spirit in Religious Texts ,
Persian (2008) |
95 |
Mulla Sadra, Hermeneutics, and
Understanding God's Words , English
(2006) |
94 |
Mulla Sadra, Hermeneutics, and
Understanding God's Words , Persian
(2004) |
93 |
The Effects of Philosophical Principles
on Mulla Sadra's Interpretation ,
Persian (2006) |
92 |
Ibn Arabi's Influences on the
Transcendent Philosophy , Persian (2007) |
91 |
Immateriality of Imagination in the
Transcendent Philosophy , Persian (2010) |
90 |
Development of Wisdom in Iran and in the
World , Bulgarian (2003) |
89 |
Development of Wisdom in Iran and in the
World , English (2000) |
88 |
Development of Wisdom in Iran and in the
World , Arabic (2006) |
87 |
Development of Wisdom in Iran and in the
World , Persian (1998) |
86 |
Spirit and the Soul , Persian (2005) |
85 |
Risalah fi Ittihad al-'Aghil wal-M'aghul
, Arabic (2008) |
84 |
Methodology of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy
, Persian (2010) |
83 |
Sharh Usul al-kafi (Commentary upon the
Usul al-kafi), Kitab al-Hujjah, Volumes
5 , Arabic (2008) |
82 |
Sharh Usul al-Kafi (Commentary upon the
Usul al-kafi), Kitab al-Tawhid, Volumes
3 and 4 , Arabic (2006) |
81 |
Sharh-i Usul al-Kafi (Commentary upon
the Usul al-kafi) , bab of Fardh al-ilm
, Volume 2 , Arabic (2006) |
80 |
Sharh Usul al-kafi (Commentary upon the
Usul al-kafi) , bab of Intellect and
Ignorance , Volume 1 , Arabic (2005) |
79 |
Mir Damad , Persian (2005) |
78 |
Mulla Sadra's Interpretive School ,
Persian (2007) |
77 |
Mafatih al-ghayb 2 vols , Arabic (2007) |
76 |
Al-Mabda' wa'l-ma'ad fi al-hikmat al-muta'aliyah
2 vols , Arabic (2002) |
75 |
A Comprehensive Bibliography of Mulla
Sadra's Works , Persian (1999) |
74 |
Philosophical Treatise of Khalaq al-A'amal
(Predestination and Free Will) ,
Persian, Arabic, English (2004) |
73 |
Imam Ali (a) and the World Peace ,
English (2009) |
72 |
Mulla Sadra's Commentary and Glosses on
Ilahiyyat al-Shifa (2 volumes) , Arabic
(2003) |
71 |
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy , chinese (2005) |
70 |
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy , Korian (2008) |
69 |
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy , English (2000) |
68 |
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy , Arabic (2007) |
67 |
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2004) |
66 |
The Transcendent Philosophy and the
Contemporary Philosophical Thought ,
Persian (2007) |
65 |
Ghadhabah al-falsafah aw al-ghadhabah
al-muta'aliyyah , Arabic (2000) |
64 |
The Philosophy of Being a Woman , Arabic
(2007) |
63 |
The Philosophy of Being a Woman ,
English (2007) |
62 |
The Philosophy of Being a Woman ,
Persian (2006) |
60 |
Man in the Path of Being, Volumes 1,2 ,
Persian (2005) |
61 |
Man in the Path of Being, Volumes 1 ,
Arabic (2005) |
59 |
Mulla Sadra's Life, Character, and
School , English (2002) |
58 |
Mulla Sadra's Life, Character, and
School , Persian (2000) |
57 |
Collection of the selected papers of the
11th and 12th Conferences on
Commemorating Mulla Sadra , The
Transcendent Philosophy and Family
Administration in Mulla Sadra and the
Shiraz School , Persian (2010) |
56 |
Collection of the selected papers of the
10th Conference on Commemorating Mulla
Sadra , The Transcendent Philosophy and
Man , Persian (2008) |
55 |
Collection of the selected papers of the
9th Conference on Commemorating Mulla
Sadra(Political Philosophy in Mulla
Sadra's Philosophy) , Persian (2007) |
54 |
A Summary of the Papers Presented at the
8th Conference on Mulla Sadra (May 2005)
, Persian (2005) |
53 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the 8th Congress on Mulla Sadra , Mulla
Sadra and Practical Wisdom , Persian
(2006) |
52 |
Collection of the selected papers of the
4th Conferences on Commemorating Mulla
Sadra, Transcendent Philosophy and the
Contemporary Philosophy of the World ,
Persian (2002) |
51 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Views & Modern Attitudes Volume 4 ,
English (2008) |
50 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Islamic philosophy and Occidental Views,
Volume 3 , English (2008) |
49 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Islamic philosophy and Western
Philosophies, Volume 2 , English (2006) |
48 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra's School and Western
Philosophies, Volume 1 , English (2004) |
47 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
, Volume 6 , Persian (2007) |
46 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
, Volume 5 , Mulla Sadra, Art, Ethics,
and Eschatology was Published, Persian
(2007) |
45 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
, Volume 4 , Mulla Sadra, Religion,
Logic, and the Mind, Persian (2007) |
44 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
, Volume 3 , The Transcendent Philosophy
and other Schools, Persian (2007) |
43 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
, Volume 2 , Mulla Sadra and other
Philosophers, Persian (2007) |
42 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
, Volume 1 , Mulla Sadra's School and
Western Philosophies, Persian (2007) |
41 |
Collection of the Papers of the
Iranian-Arab Conference in Kish 2000 ,
Arabic (2003) |
40 |
Collection of the Papers of the
Iranian-Arab Conference in Kish 2000 ,
Persian (2003) |
39 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy, Volume 10 , English (2004) |
38 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy, Volume 9 , English (2004) |
37 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra, Logic, Ethics, Volume 8 ,
English (2004) |
36 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Issues in Cotemporary Western
Philosophy, Volume 7 , English (2003) |
35 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Issues in Contemporary Western
Philosophy, Volume 6 , English (2003) |
34 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies,
Volume 5 , English (2002) |
33 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies,
Volume 4 , English (2002) |
32 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies,
Volume 3 , English (2002) |
31 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy, Volume 2 , English (2001) |
30 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent
Philosophy, Volume 1 , English (2001) |
29 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 12, Mulla Sadra, Interpretation,
and Hadith , Persian (2004) |
28 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 11, Mulla Sadra and the Issue of
the Soul and Resurrection , Persian
(2004) |
27 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 10, Mulla Sadra, Gnosis,
Theology, and Religion , Persian (2004) |
26 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 9, Mulla Sadra, Logic, Ethics,
and Theology , Persian (2004) |
25 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 8, Mulla Sadra and Epistemology
And Knowledge , Persian (2003) |
24 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 7, Issues in Western Contemporary
Philosophy , Persian (2003) |
23 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 6, Mulla Sadra and Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2003) |
22 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 5, Mulla Sadra and Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2002) |
21 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 4, Mulla Sadra and Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2002) |
20 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 3, Mulla Sadra and Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2001) |
19 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 2, Mulla Sadra and Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2001) |
18 |
Collection of the Papers Presented at
the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra,
Volume 1, Mulla Sadra and Transcendent
Philosophy , Persian (2001) |
17 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 9 , Arabic
(2002) |
16 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 8 , Arabic
(2004) |
15 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 7 , Arabic
(2004) |
14 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 6 , Arabic
(2002) |
13 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 5 , Arabic
(2002) |
12 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 4 , Arabic
(2004) |
11 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 3 , Arabic
(2004) |
10 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 2 , Arabic
(2001) |
9 |
Al-Hikmat al-muta'aliyyah fi'l asfar
al-'aqliyyat al-arba'ah vol. 1 , Arabic
(2004) |
8 |
Al-Tanqih fi al-mantiq , Arabic (1999) |
7 |
Al-Mazahir al-ilahiyyah fil asrar al-'ulum
al-kamaliyyah , Arabic (1999) |
6 |
Al-Masha'ir , Chinese (2005) |
5 |
An Introduction to Mulla Sadra's al-Masha'ir
, Persian (2003) |
4 |
al-Filsuf al-Irani al-kabir , Arabic
(1999) |
3 |
Risalah fi al-qutb wa'l-mantaqh and
Ajwibat al-masa'il al-nasiriyyah,
Jawabat al-masa'il al-awisah, and
Jawabat al-masa'il al-jilaniyyah
Treatises , Arabic (1999) |
2 |
Three Muslim Philosophers: Shaykh al-Ishraq
(Suhrawardi), Mulla Sadra, and 'Allamah
Tabataba'I , Persian (2005) |
1 |
Mulla Sadra, Sih asl (Risalah fi
Treatise on the Three Principles) ,
Arabic (2002) |